Notice & Event

Notice & Event 상세정보 표로 No, Title, Contents, Date, Count 정보를 나타냅니다.
No 100050753
Title Notice for additional surcharge on international air mail

We sincerely thank you for using our postal service.

Korea Post has been always working on providing a more convenient postal service to the public through business modernization, cost saving efforts, etc.

However, the sustaining impacts from the COVID 19 pandemic have caused suspension or reduction in air flights, leading to a growing number of undeliverable destination countries as well as a large increase in air transportation surcharge.

To ensure stable provision of postal service and sustainable fulfillment of our public responsibilities in this circumstance, we inevitably decided to apply an additional surcharge on international air mail items as in the table below.

We are asking for your deep understanding and continuous supports towards our service, and we promise you to keep doing our best for the improvement of international postal service.

□ Surcharge details

Product As is To be
EMS, K-Packet, Air parcel, Air small packets Varing by country Varing by country

□ Enforcement date: 5 October 2020 (Mon)
Date 2020-12-08
Count 9109